Ok, so following the trend, I created some time ago a new GPG key, which I'm now transitioning too. I've set up a transition document, available at http://molly.corsac.net/~corsac/key-transition.txt. It's signed by both the old and the new keys and is reproduced below:
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: RIPEMD160,SHA512 Wed, 11 Nov 2009 13:44:05 +0100 I've recently set up a new RSA-based GPG key, and will be transitioning away from my old DSA-based one. The old key will be revoked soon, so I prefer all future correspondence to use the new one. I would also like to ensure that this new key is well-integrated into the web of trust. This message is signed by both keys to certify the transition. The old DSA key was: pub 1024D/C5C05BAE 2004-11-11 Key fingerprint = DE26 2FC4 7097 FFC6 DE2C D8C0 4D44 C020 C5C0 5BAE The new RSA key is: pub 4096R/71EF0BA8 2009-05-06 Key fingerprint = 4510 DCB5 7ED4 7040 60C6 6476 3055 0F78 71EF 0BA8 If you already know my old key, you can verify that the new key is signed by the old one: gpg --check-sigs 71EF0BA8 If you don't already know my old key, or if you're extra-paranoid, you can check the fingerprint against the one given above: gpg --fingerprint 71EF0BA8 If you have previously signed my old DSA key, and if you're satisfied that you've got the correct new RSA key, then I'd appreciate it if you would sign my new key as well: caff 71EF0BA8 The caff program is in the signing-party package in Debian. Please be careful to generate signatures that don't rely on the weakening SHA-1 hash algorithm, which requires some careful configuration even if you've already configured gpg correctly. See http://www.gag.com/bdale/blog/posts/Strong_Keys.html for the gory details. Thanks, - -- Yves-Alexis Perez -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) iEYEAREDAAYFAkr6sqQACgkQTUTAIMXAW64HiACeIyabQueDHAeiAX8EkIeApiDj ++UAn2z7YkjHx0lQh0+s5WdhikG0YztiiQIcBAEBCgAGBQJK+rKkAAoJEDBVD3hx 7wuodUcQAKMbG9Rehxz+uZ6fST99cHt5Fjnv9TorY4hQaQK+85ZgiwPaHMHfYM1G 5hcrXI+JFUpz8j40deZuaWuspOdHBHwnHNQril8MqT0CJgtB6HFTo+w/7Lmmui5M DDMMed39UJl7bF73hV9ywGecxPpeh+dtoVnh0VT16uK2xTvW6ICEZgaPw1xfPUHS +jxQ7I05X1OWQkPpmhxXJqGclDyO+qx4CJZsOxUAvt2LphHxhZxB3QE5OUdudGKQ AH6KhC4rpNQdJVMX20SG8PybL/AipN3Y8N/63VkoqVC2heRlaQ69HjsuqIAkIyan hHnqmJH8Q+TDTbdKZvOQv6jcd4o3VSibz0T9MwnOfqQ0uRYyTpaXC0vLUH6lXaC4 eK+VVWbY8vCAFHR3h80Q61i2me2HU5ly7a/W22dz19zzDNNC5q9MO78uIYkUK78N Z0wzJrmOxRyhvs5DOSOpNVlXZhffNQM1f42xxG8cUDaIf7pR5jK+xqHV7tIBQE1D CrD0mt+YQCnngK0i4wQTO7VT/vjypf4A9W+VSsoJJpRhBbngU4pHu9JWqO84/7AA j5FN8ug15MWysaS+FQ/EqzHmT7BGBWaTPv3yGlHKUjx0w4bPEpbH7y3fwHAcmOFf xFRzvZFQ03zeer06yAqTVNuwr77HZgrCzgyQVgIkegAg6iUPiZcs =CBT+ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----